The Sweetest Part is a place to drop the mom guilt, learn to enjoy the simple things, make stress-free family traditions & special memories with those you love!

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Get to know us with a few of our favorite posts…

Welcome, I’m Whitney!

So glad you’re here at The Sweetest Part! I am a blessed Christ-follower, wife, & mom to 4 rambunctious kiddos! I love creating fun traditions & special moments for my family!  However, I often create a lot of stress for myself while doing this!  Join me as I am learning to slow down, simplify, and find stress-free ways to enjoy the sweetest part of this blessed life!

Start here mama, if you need some encouragement…

Fun ideas for celebrating every day…

No one can ever take your memories from you – 
each day is a new beginning, make good memories every day.”
–Catherine Pulsifer