Teaching Your Children to Memorize Scripture

As a Christian mom, I know how important it is to teach my children God’s Word from an early age, as well as helping our children begin to memorize Scripture! 

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There are many benefits to memorizing Scripture, here are just a few…

  • In Psalms 119:1, the Psalmist says that he hides God’s Word in his hearts so that he wouldl not sin against Him.
  • Joshua 1:8 says that we should meditate or think on God’s word day and night and obey it, that we may be prosperous and successful.  This is not talking about the prosperity gospel, this it God’s blessing (not necessarily riches) on His people that live their lives for Him!
  • Psalm 119:105 Says that God’s Word guides us like a lamp (or flashlight!) along our path.
  • Hebrews 4:12 Says that God’s Word is sharper than any 2 edged sword, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 

As our children grow up and we are no longer with them for every decision, Scripture memorized when they were young will come to mind and help them discern right from wrong.

Scripture Memorization On The Go

It can be so hard in our busy lives to make time for anything extra!  However, we can bring learning the Bible into our everyday lives in a way that will make God’s Word real to our children, as well as doable for us!  

Deuteronomy 6:7 says…

And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

I truly believe that this verse applies to busy mamas today!  I believe that God means for us to include teaching the Bible and memorizing Scripture into every part of our lives.

There will be situations in our children’s lives when we have the opportunity to teach them what the Bible has to say about the things that they are going thru!  

A few nights ago, we were walking down our driveway with our kids as it became dark.  My husband suggested we lay a quilt out in our back yard and look at the stars. 

As we laid there with our 4 (squirmy) children, this verse came to mind 

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Psalm 19:1

What a perfect time for my kids to learn that verse!  How real it is to see those countless bright, shining stars and realize that the sky is shouting, “God is AMAZING!!!”

Trying to find the right Bible verses to start teaching your children?  Start HERE…

Applying God’s Word

One thing that I believe is so important is teaching our children the “why” behind the Bible Verses they are learning!  God has such a wonderful plan for us and He wants our very best!  So let’s be sure to help them see God’s loving character as we teach them His Word!  

Teaching our children to memorize Scripture will also help us as we lead them and guide them. It’s more than just saying, “You should be kind to your brother”. We can remind them that we have learned that God has told us to: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32).. 

When my children are grown, I hope that they can look back and remember how their parents took time to teach them God’s Word. It may not always have been as a formal lesson, but even so those beautiful words will change their life!

Other Ideas to Help Your Family Memorize Scripture

There are so many great resources out there to help us to memorize Scripture with our kids!

  • I have loved the Hide ‘Em In Your Heart songs (by Steve Green) since I was young!  My husband laughs that I have a song for everything! But when we learn something by music, it tends to really stay with us forever, so I highly recommend Scripture Songs!  There are several others available also,
    • Seeds Worship 
    • Hidden In My Heart by Tyndale (Scripture Memory Bible + 100 Scripture set to song) 
  • I like to write a Scripture that we are learning or talking about on our family chalkboard.  You could do this with a bulletin board or even place the verse on your refrigerator.
  • This “Verse of the Week” Scripture Card holder is a great way to keep your weekly memory verses visible so you won’t forget to think about or memorize them!
  • Printable Scripture Cards can be a great way to learn Bible verses on the go! (Get your printable Scripture cards below!)  

Print them out and punch a hole in the corner and put them on a binder ring and they can go with you wherever you go!  Print a copy for each of your children if you want, or even give them their own ring to add verses to as they learn them.

TIP:  Print these Scripture cards out at 50% for a smaller version for your children.  They may even want to make a necklace or lanyard out of string or twine to hang their verses on.  

Give Yourself Some Grace, mama

And as with anything, please give yourself some grace! This is definitely worthy of our time, but this is not another chore for us to do! Even learning one verse every month or two is still wonderful!  Remember, keep moving forward! Keep swimming! Often, we get caught up in checking things off of our list.  Let’s see disciplining our children as quality time and not allow ourselves to become discouraged!

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Galations 6:9

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