Printable Thank You Letter for Teachers
Everybody likes to get a little appreciation for a job done well! And teachers work really hard pouring their time & energy into our children! I know that I often don’t have the patience to even get through homework with my own children! So, I really appreciate the teachers that have 25- 7 year-olds tugging on their sleeve to tell them something “very important”!
As I mentioned in my gift ideas for teachers post, educators deserve a little recognition from time to time! And it’s great for them to hear from us how much we appreciate what they are doing for our children. However, more than that, most teachers would appreciate to hear from their students about how they have impacted their life.
So, as you are looking ahead to Teacher Appreciation Week (which is celebrated the first full week of May) or an end of the year teacher’s gift, why not encourage your child to take a few minutes to tell their teacher how they have touched their life throughout the school year.
Thank You Letter for Teachers
Maybe you could encourage your 5th grade son to put into words how much it meant to him for Mr. George to sit down and help him understand fractions. That is a wonderful way to train him to say thanks! And you know that Mr. George will treasure that hand written note from your son for years to come! It might even be something he uses to encourage other students to keep working hard when things are really tough!
I know that for many teachers, little notes of encouragement from teachers (& parents) is what keeps them going when their frustrations almost get the best of them!
Download this simple printable Thank you letter for teachers & let me know what your child’s teacher thought about the note your child wrote!