12 Awesome Father’s Day Activities: Fun Things To Do For & With Dad!
Our dads know that we love them, of course they do! But it seems like Father’s Day is a little more fun loving than it sentimental counterpart… Mother’s Day! And that’s ok, I think that may just be the nature of dads, they are often seen as the “fun parent”, so why not show dad how much you really care this year with some simple, but really fun Father’s Day activities that he will LOVE! Find an awesome idea or at least some inspiration from this list of amazing ideas for things to do on Father’s Day!
1. Father’s day Feast
In her book Welcome Home, Liz Cowen Fuman suggests having a big meal with all of dad’s favorite foods! Start will his favorite appetizer all the way through desserts! Find all of the things that dad enjoys, even if you wouldn’t normally serve them together! You will make a fun memory…and maybe even a new tradition!
2. Breakfast for Dad
I love having a special breakfast for Dad on Father’s Day, but for our family that can be a little difficult since my husband Pastor’s a church & it is about an hour from our house, so there isn’t a lot of time on Sunday morning for a leisurely breakfast! However, you might opt to have a special Dad’s weekend! Start with breakfast on Saturday morning, do fun activities together as a family throughout the day and finish the day at Dad’s favortie restaurant!
And then, on Sunday, go to church together as a family and them serve Dad a special lunch along with lots of love & fussing over him as the day goes on!
3. Guys Day
In the Book of New Family Traditions, Meg Cox suggests having a “Guys Day” for all of the Dads in the family plus the older boys to go do “guy things”. Meg mentioned that the guys in her family would go to an airshow or some other activity that they could enjoy together, and at the end of the day, the guys would meet up with the gals for a picnic! What fun!!
4. Love Notes
Give each family member of the family a small stack of Post-It notes (check out these heart-shaped ones) to write dad little notes of encouragement & appreciation. On Father’s Day Ever (or early Father’s day morning), take a little time to post them all around the house for Dad to find and enjoy!
5. Video Messages to Dad
Karen Ehman & Glynnis Whitwer suggest making a short video of each of your children telling dad that they love him and why, or sending him any kind of sweet message! Then send him these video love notes on Father’s Day.
6. Pictures With Special Meaning

Take pictures of your kids hold ing up signs with fun messages for Dad! Maybe, “I Love You” or “You’re The Best”! This will be a special keepsake that Dad will keep for years! (If your kids are like mine, you might have better luck with giving each one a word to hold than to depend on them all looking and holding up their signs at the same time… just saying! ????).
7. Why I Love My Dad Jar
Fill up a jar with I love you because notes! Or you could download my bookmarks from the Resource Library and color & then write 5 Reasons that you love dad so much!
8. No-Chore Week
Give dad a no chore week! Again Everyday Confetti has the fun idea of giving Dad the week off! Divide up Dad’s chores between all of the family members and let him know that each chore will be handled so he doesn’t need to worry! That’s a great gift!
9. Sidewalk Chalk Messages
Decorate your sidewalks with sweet love notes to Dad! Let your kids have fun putting their artistic skills to work creating a sidewalk mural just for Dad! (If your husband is like mine & despises sidewalk chalk, just skip this one…. this isn’t the time to fight that battle! ????)
10. Movie Night
Have a movie night with dad’s pick of movie & snacks! Set up the couch and chairs into a mini theater and turn the lights off for a fun movie marathon!
11. Family Campout
If dad loves to camp, plan a fun weekend to go camping as a family! Be sure to do as much of the work as possible, so it won’t be stressful for dad. And encourage everyone to participate in some of dad’s favorite activities as well!
12. Dad Coupons
Give Dad his own coupons for Father’s day that entitle dad to a day off or help cleaning the garage! Check out my free printable Father’s Day coupons in my Resource library!
Other Ideas for Father’s Day Activities
Ask Dad what Father’s Day activity he would enjoy doing the most! Maybe he would enjoy some time alone to hunt, maybe he wants to take the family on a fun hiking trail & stop for a picnic lunch, or maybe he wants everyone to pitch in to clean up the garage!
Dad’s are all so different, so you may just have to ask him what he wants to do! Don’t assume that because it seems fun to you that it will be fun for Dad, just ask!
However, here are a few ideas for Father’s Day activities that you can throw out to give Dad some options!
- Ride Go-Carts
- Grill Out
- Have an Outdoor Movie
- Picnic
- Hike
- Go Fishing
- Kids Make Dinner
- Movie Marathon
- Family Ball Game (maybe even your family against another side of your family?)
- Bike Ride
- Game Night
- Dad’s Day Off
- Horse Ride (this one’s for my husband!????)
There are so many fun & creative things to do on Father’s Day that I’m sure you can come up with the perfect one! It might not look like everyone else’s Father’s Day, but that’s ok as long as Dad loves it and feels special on his day, that’s all that matters!!!
Do you have any other great ideas for things to do on Father’s Day? Please share your fun activities with us in the comments below!