First Things: Putting God First In Our Lives
I recently took a quick quiz on Gretchen Rubin’s website about the 4 Tendencies. It wasn’t a complete surprise to me that I am an obliger. I do tend to want to make people happy… my kids, my husband, my friends.
Not that I always do everything others ask me to do, but I do use an awful lot of time and energy either doing things for my family or planning what I should do (which can become a vicious cycle that leads to doing nothing except planning) or feeling guilty for the things I have said no to! What I am learning is that I really do need to prioritize myself and my well being!
Struggling to Make Time
First of all, as a Christian, I KNOW that the most important thing in my life is my relationship with God, but I have always struggled to make time for daily Bible study.
One of the reasons is that I am REALLY not a morning person! I know that your daily quiet time does not have to be in the morning, but I have found that, for me, I am more likely to actually do it if I do it first thing in the morning. And if I wait there are so many things that seem to squeeze this special time out of my day!
There have been times that I have been able to get myself up before everyone else so that I could spend time in God’s Word, but since having kids it has become much more difficult since I seem to always feel SO EXHAUSTED!

Seeking Him First
The Bible tells us that if we will “seek ye first God’s kingdom and His righteousness” that “all these things shall be added unto you.” Do you ever feel like “all these things” get in the way of you living the life that you want? I know I do!
All these things seem innocent enough on the surface…. I need to clean the kitchen after supper, I should make the kids beds before I do anything else, I really should bake something for my daughter’s bake sale (I can’t be one of those moms that buy the cookies at the store!). All of these are good things, but it is so easy for us to get bogged down with these good things and lose sight of the more important things.
You know the analogy of putting our big rocks (our top priorities) into our cups first, and then we fill in the spaces with gravel (important but not critical things) and finally we pour in the sand (the extra things that don’t have to be done).
This is how we need to look at our obligations (or the things we feel obligated to)! But how often do I find myself with a cup full of sand and not one rock!
The Struggle is Real
I feel a little hypocritical even writing about the importance of time with God, because I certainly have not done my best at making this a priority. But sometimes, I think with openness that there can be some accountability! And I know in my heart that if I will truly make this time a top priority, that God will bless my day and life and “all these things will be added”!

The “Putting God First” Challenge (with Some Grace!)
So, how about it? Do you want to make daily time with God one of your “big rocks”? Please don’t take this challenge as an extra burden that has to be accomplished (as I often have)! This is about connecting with God daily, not reading a certain number of verses, etc. Find some type of Bible study that works for you (some great options are listed below). You will begin to enjoy meeting with your creator and getting to know Him more. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day! Remember His mercies are new EVERY MORNING! May God bless you for seeking Him first!
Bible Study Resources
Loving God Greatly– I have done several of the studies and really enjoyed them! They also have groups you can join for added community and accountability!
Please share any other ideas that you may have for great Bible Studies or other ways to put God first in the comments below!
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